Waya Invoice mailing is a service for the distribution of invoices provided according to these special conditions to the customer Waya as a subscriber ("Customer").
1. Waya Invoice dispatch
Waya Invoice sending is a subscription service for the distribution of invoices generated in the Customer's business system (Fortnox). By Waya Invoice sending, the Customer can choose from the business system to create invoices, credit invoices and manual handling of payment reminders (hereinafter collectively "Invoice") that are distributed by Waya on behalf of the Customer via e-mail, e-invoice and regular mail.
When choosing Waya Invoice dispatch retrieves agreed billing information from the business system and creates an invoice for distribution. Copy of invoice distributed via Waya Invoice sending is available to the Customer by logging in to the Customer's pages i Wayas customer portal Insight.
For clarity includes Waya Invoice mailing not any of Wayas other automated services such as payment reminders and debt collection. Waya thus does not update the customer's ledger or monitor that the Invoice is paid. Customer who wishes to use Wayas other services such as debt collection require a special agreement to be signed with Waya.
2. Customer's commitment
The customer creates an account for Waya Invoice sent on Wayas website, www.waya.see by filling in the appropriate form. The customer must leave Waya requested information about the company including API key for the integration between the business system and Wayas system. That the Customer provides that information Waya demand is a prerequisite for use Waya Invoice dispatch. After creating an account, the customer must log off Waya provided instructions for setting up and activating the account for Waya Invoice dispatch.
The customer is responsible for continuously updating customer information using Wayas administration tool Insight.
The customer is responsible for when creating an account for Waya Invoicing, state the interest and fee charged in the event of non-payment after the due date of the invoice, as well as the payment period in the event of a payment reminder. If the customer does not specify this, a payment reminder fee of SEK 60 as well as late payment interest of 2,2% per month and 8 days' payment period will be applied.
The customer creates an invoice in the business system and selects Waya Invoice dispatch. The customer must give Waya access to the customer's business system in order to Waya must be able to retrieve the data needed to create an invoice ("Invoice base").
The customer is responsible for ensuring that the invoice documentation is complete and correct and that it does not in any respect contravene applicable laws, regulations and authority regulations or contain data that may cause damage to Wayas equipment or software or cause damage to Waya.
The customer is responsible for sending payment reminders.
3. Distribution
The customer can choose alternative distribution forms for invoices as below.
postal surveys
When distributing a physical invoice by mail, write Waya issues invoice on paper, envelopes and distributes to recipient. IN Waya Invoice mailing includes printing on paper, envelopes and postage, environmental fee is added.
When distributing invoices via e-mail creates Waya digital invoice in .pdf format that is distributed via email to recipients. Invoice distributed by e-mail is sent from Wayas email address. Waya shall state in the e-mail that the invoice has been distributed on behalf of the Customer by Waya.
When distributing invoices via e-mail creates Waya a digital invoice that is sent digitally to the recipient's bank. The recipient is notified by the bank and the invoice is paid when the invoice is approved by the recipient.
Waya has the right to indicate on Invoices that are distributed that these were distributed via Waya Invoice dispatch.
If the invoice document is so incomplete or incorrect that Waya assesses that it cannot be used as a basis for producing an invoice, the invoice will not be created through Waya Invoice dispatch. Waya has no responsibility for the delays or inaccuracies that may then occur. If there is a deficiency in the invoice documents according to Wayas assessment can be corrected by Waya has Waya right, but no obligation, to do this against special compensation according to Wayas at any time valid price list.
4. Prices and payment terms
4.1 according to the price list applicable at each time of debiting All prices i price list - for Waya Invoices are stated in SEK excluding VAT.
4.2 Monthly fee for Waya Invoices are invoiced quarterly in advance. Current costs for distribution of Invoices are continuously invoiced in arrears.
4.3 Payment terms are 30 days from the date of the invoice. In the event of non-payment, a reminder fee of SEK 60 and late payment interest of 2,2% per month will be charged.
5. Limitations in accessibility to Waya Invoice dispatch
Waya has the right to close access to Waya Invoicing temporarily for service and maintenance as well as upgrades. As far as possible, this must be postponed to a time that does not affect the execution of Waya Invoice dispatch. If possible, the customer must be notified in advance of planned downtime. Waya is not responsible for errors or delays during such downtime.
To the extent that the Customer's use of Waya Sending invoices entails technical or other inconveniences for Waya or other customer reserves Waya the right to limit use, alternatively close Waya Invoice dispatch with immediate effect.
6. Responsibility
Wayas responsibility is limited to the distribution of invoices on behalf of the customer. Wayas responsibility for damages that may arise as a result of Wayas action or failure to act is limited to an amount corresponding to the subscription fee the Customer was charged for Waya Invoice sent the month before the damage occurred. Waya is never responsible for loss of profit or other indirect damage or damage to third parties, except when the damage has been caused by Waya intentionally or through gross negligence.
7. Personal data
Processing of the Customer's data
Personal data such as Waya upon registration and use of Waya Invoice dispatch collects and processes are handled in accordance with Wayas privacy Policy.
Processing of other people's data
Om Waya processes personal data on behalf of the Customer in connection with the use of Waya Invoicing, the parties must enter into a special personal data processing agreement that regulates Wayas processing of personal data in its capacity as a personal data processor.
8. Privacy
Waya has the right to provide information about invoices to the extent necessary for a supplier or contractor to be able to carry out their task of distributing invoices. Waya undertakes otherwise not to reveal the content or disclose the invoices to third parties. This only applies unless otherwise provided by law.
9. Contract period
Subscription to Waya Invoices will be sent until further notice. In case of termination, the subscription ceases to apply at the end of the quarter following the quarter in which the termination was made. Termination must be done by e-mail to support@waya.see.
10. Early termination
Waya has the right, without reimbursement of the paid fee, to terminate or cancel the Customer's subscription with immediate effect if; (a) the application for the Customer to be declared bankrupt is submitted, the Customer suspends its payments, enters into settlement negotiations, is granted or applies for corporate restructuring, prepares a control balance sheet or otherwise may be considered to have become insolvent; (b) Customer grossly neglects to observe his obligations under these terms, (c) Customer knowingly provides incorrect or misleading information or conceals circumstances that are important.
Upon termination or cancellation according to this provision owns Waya right to close Customer's access to Waya Invoice dispatch.
11. Change of Terms
Waya may from time to time, at its sole discretion, make updates and changes to these special terms and conditions for Waya Invoice dispatch. It is the Customer's responsibility to take note of the versions of the terms and conditions that are published at any time waya.see. In all circumstances, the Customer's continued use of Waya Sending invoice acceptance of change in terms and conditions.
12. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution
Swedish law is applied to the legal relationship between Waya and Customer. Disputes arising from this Agreement shall be settled by a general court with the Stockholm District Court as the first instance.