Complaints Policy

Help us get better! Waya Finance & Technology AB (Waya) is constantly working to improve our service and to give everyone who contacts us a fair treatment.

If you have comments or complaints regarding our handling, please contact us by e-mail: complaint form@waya.see. We handle complaints according to the internal complaints policy, which means that your case will be investigated factually and efficiently. You will receive feedback as soon as the investigation is complete. If your objection concerns a specific matter, for example that you did not order the product, or that you are not liable for payment for some reason, you should contact our customer service in the first instance according to the contact details specified in the letter you received from us.

The information you need to provide in the event of a complaint is as follows:

  • Your contact details; name, social security number and email address
  • If it concerns a case with us; your case number or social security number
  • The reason for your dissatisfaction, when the incident occurred and in what way the contact with Waya occurred
  • Mark your email with "complaint"

If you believe that you need unbiased information about the obligations of financial institutions, you can contact the consumer guidance in your municipality or the Consumer Banking and Finance Agency.

If you are not satisfied after that, the complaints officer at Waya Once your case has been tried, you can turn to the Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden (ARN). You can also turn to the general court. Please note that disputes regarding half the price base amount can be handled as a simplified dispute case, the larger the amount that is the subject of the dispute, the more important it is to investigate the possibility of success in an actual lawsuit. You should investigate whether you have any current insurance that can provide compensation for any legal fees or whether you can receive compensation via general legal aid.

When you submit a complaint to us, you also agree that Waya processes the personal data that you provide in connection with your complaint. The data may be disclosed to authorized creditors, authorities and added to existing cases you have with us. According to the Personal Data Act, you have the right once a year after a written, signed request to receive extracts from our system to ensure which data we process about you. The person in charge of personal data is Waya. If you find that any information is incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, you are welcome to contact us to request that the information be corrected or deleted.