Waya Finance & Technology AB (Waya), as a provider of invoice service and
debt collection services, have a responsibility towards both the creditor/principal and towards
the debtor, i.e. the person who must pay an invoice/debt. Waya therefore poses
as an unconditional requirement that the user or users who are connected to the services
parts Wayas view on ethical and moral issues. What is considered unethical or
immoral is partly subjective and depends on who is asked and how the question is asked.
A prerequisite for conducting invoice service and debt collection operations is a well
developed control function that ensures that the cases handled are correct
- that is to say that they consist of correctly issued invoices/claims and that they are not
contested or subject to dispute.
Wayas objective is to actively contribute to a faster and safer invoice service and
debt collection operations with maintained good relations between creditor and debtor.
By Waya as a major player has this as an ambition and goal, wants
the company develops the market in a positive way.
In the event that users connected to Wayas services act unethically or
uses the service for goods or services that are otherwise unethical or immoral,
will public confidence in both the user of the service and Waya be damaged.
To minimize this risk have Waya established the following guidelines that apply to all
connected users of Wayas services and Wayas partners and resellers.
Background and purpose
In order to actively counteract bad will and at the same time meet different requirements and expectations
from the market related to Wayas services shall Waya through control functions
immediately be able to distinguish between what is "right" and "wrong" and make this clear to them
connected customers and users of Wayas services.
Even if the good or service to which the invoice or claim relates is legal, it may
perceived as unethical or immoral. Through these guidelines, along with Wayas
general conditions, the company has the option to refuse cooperation and thereby
prevent the Services from being used in a way that is inconsistent with Wayas values,
general conditions and ethical rules. Wayas objective is that the ethical rules shall
contribute to limiting the ability of unscrupulous businesses to run incorrect invoices
and collection cases and, by extension, significantly hinder their operations.
Below are examples of companies that Waya chose not to cooperate with then Waya
consider their activities to be of an unethical nature.
Unethical goods
Company X sells pipes and other goods associated with the use of
drug. Even the names of the products suggest that the products are best suited for
use of illegal substances. Even though the goods are not illegal to sell
consider Waya that it is immoral to cooperate with company X.
Unethical services
Company Y offers fast financial services, so-called "sms loans". The market for
this type of "sms loan" has taken hold in Sweden in a short time and more and more young people are taking it up
difficult debt traps against high interest rates. Waya consider that this type of loan, without
credit check, aimed at a young weak target group is directly unethical. Thus
abstains Waya from collaboration with company Y.
Waya however, believes there is a distinct difference and approves companies:
Unethical website
Company Z claims to sell historical items. Among their products are
communist flags from the former Soviet Union, editions of "Mein Kampf", uniforms and
knives with swastika symbols, "white power music" etc. On the company's website are
the message "we screw up the law" interspersed with Nazi values and expressions of these.
Then Z sells Nazi and Communist messages that historical objects carry
they no illegal activity. Waya however, believes that the message on the website i
its entirety is unethical and thus chooses not to cooperate with company Z.
Waya does not undertake to carry out assignments for companies that provide goods and services that can be considered:
Undesirable partners
Waya does not cooperate with, or undertake assignments for, companies that:
Termination and reprimand
The users of Wayas services, which Waya consider using the service in violation of the
the ethical rules, must primarily be terminated as customers and any ongoing ones
assignment must be terminated. Waya may in exceptional cases grant the user another chance
amendment. Procedures for termination follow Wayas general conditions.
New users of Wayas services
Waya applies security procedures with control functions to ensure that
the services are not used for improper purposes, for criminal purposes, or in any other way
goes against Wayas at any time applicable general conditions, applicable agreements, ethical rules
or relevant legislation.
Waya has developed an internal control system against which all customers are continuously tested
before granting access to the services. The control system is based on a number of developed
criteria that each customer must meet at any time. These criteria include i.a. to
in-depth information about the customer is obtained from Wayas information partners.
The guidelines for Wayas customer assessment, according to the control system, appears from Wayapp. wide
each time applicable customer assessment criteria.
Decision on possible exceptions to this guideline are removed Wayas management team.
Update and fix
These ethical rules must be continuously updated with regard to changed laws,
rules and conditions in the market and our environment.
The responsibility to update the above regulations rests with you Wayas CEO.
Last modified: 2023-03-28